[Perl] How to fix the Net::Amazon::S3 and Class::MethodMaker installation
And not die trying
I have a docker container with a Perl app that requires several modules, and Net::Amazon::S3 is one of those modules.
Several days ago, the Net::Amazon::S3 started failing during the installation process so, I tried to install it manually, and I figured out there was an issue with the DateTimeX::Easy (a dependency).
I took a look at the DateTimeX::Easy, and I found the DateTime-Format-Flexible (a dependency) was updated recently, and it broke the build and tests.
So, there are two ways to fix it:
- Use the force tag to install:
cpan> force install DateTimeX::Easy
- Install version 0.33 of DateTime-Format-Flexible
cpan> install DateTime-Format-Flexible@0.33
Alright, now Net::Amazon::S3 should install, right?.... well, nope.
(Sigh) Now the Class::MethodMaker is returning an error, and for any weird reason, it is not installing all the dependencies that it requires, so you must install them:
cpan> install Env
cpan> install Fatal
cpan> install JSON::PP
And... it worked!
It took me two days to figured out how to fix it, and this post helped a lot: morgajel.net/2015/05/20/1676